Striking out from their respective Home Systems, each faction will establish optimal Space Lanes and discover new Space Systems, building a unique map of the Galaxy.  In this way, the game board for Star Trek: Ascendancy will never be the same from game to game!

Star Trek: Ascendancy

The galactic map is made of up of System Discs, each Disc represents a unique Planetary System or a mysterious Interstellar Phenomenon.  These Discs are linked together by Space Lanes of various lengths.  Space Lanes represent optimal warp corridors through deep space.  By establishing these Space Lanes and discovering new Systems, players expand, building the game board until their network of Systems and Space Lanes connects to another civilization’s network.

Star Trek: Ascendancy
Each System has a maximum number of Space Lanes that can be connected to it.  That number appears at the bottom of the Disc.  Once a System is connected to a number of Space Lanes equal to that number, no more lanes may be connected to it.  This can be an effective means of denying other civilizations easy access to regions of the board; isolating key resources.

The number of Lanes connecting a System can vary; remote worlds may only be connected by two Space Lanes while other Systems may have as many as four or five routes leading to it.

To establish a new Space Lane, a Starship or Fleet departs a System that has unused Space Lane Connections.  A special die is rolled to determine the length of the Space Lane.  When the Ship or Fleet reaches the end of that Space Lane, it discovers a new System or establishes a new connection to a known System.

 Star Trek: Ascendancy

Until a System is connected to two other Systems by established Space Lanes, it is not fixed on the map.  The System and the Space Lane attached to it can be moved as new routes are established in that region of space.  It this way, it’s possible to join two separate ‘floating’ systems with a new Space Lane, bridging the gap between two separate sections of the galactic map. 

Star Trek: Ascendancy

Star Trek: Ascendancy comes with over 30 System Discs and a multitude of Space Lanes, ensuring that each game will be a fresh challenge for players to navigate.  How will your Galaxy take shape?  Set a course heading for the unknown when Star Trek: Ascendancy hits stores this summer!