From the monthly archives: May 2016

We are pleased to present below all posts archived in 'May 2016'. If you still can't find what you are looking for, try using the search box.

Star Trek: Ascendancy Promo Cards

Specially-marked copies of Star Trek: Ascendancy contain a set of bonus 50th Anniversary Exploration cards. These bonus cards are all inspired by episodes of Star Trek – The Original Series.


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Special 50th Anniversary Bonus Exploration Cards

In honor of the 50th Anniversary of Star Trek; specially-marked boxes of Star Trek: Ascendancy will contain 15 bonus Exploration Cards. These extra cards are all inspired by events, people and places from the Original Series. Your brave explorers could find themselves thralls of the powerful Game Masters of Triskelion or travel through the Guardian of Forever. Perhaps they will benefit by proving themselves to the mysterious Talosians or windup with a ship full of Tribble trouble.  Specially-marked games containing these special 50th Anniversary cards will be limited to the first print-run. You can ensure that you get your copy by pre-ordering the game at your local game or hobby store. Gale Force Nine puts the fate of the galaxy in your hands when Star Trek: Ascend ...

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Exploration Deck Preview

Every time a new Planetary System is discovered during games of Star Trek: Ascendancy, draw and resolve a card from the Exploration Deck. Perform a sensor scan of the types of cards found the Exploration Deck.


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Explore Strange New Worlds...

Every time a Starship or Fleet discovers a new Planetary System, the player will draw a card from the Exploration Deck. These cards add to the thrill of discovery and tell the story of what the ship’s crew encounters in the new system. They may find an untouched, pristine world, ready for colonization or they may encounter a fully-formed independent civilization that has already developed the planet. They may make a fascinating scientific discovery, earning an immediate benefit for their society or they could face a deadly crisis which will test their crews and threaten their Starships! If your Ship or Fleet discovers a Hazardous Planetary System, all Ships must Brave the Hazard first.  If your Ships do not survive entry into the new Hazardous Planetary System, place an Exploration Card face down on the System.  The first player to Brave the Hazard will be able to resolve the card. ...

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Romulan Preview

The Romulan Star Empire is the final of the three civilizations players can choose to play as in Star Trek: Ascendancy. Subvert your rival and take what is yours! Observe how the cunning Romulans play in the game and what differentiates them from the other civilizations.


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The Romulan Star Empire

“If we go to war, let us be sure it is for the right reason." -- Commander Tebok In Star Trek: Ascendancy yours is the guiding voice of the Romulan Senate, leading your people to their rightful place in the Galaxy. As Praetor, will you demonstrate your superiority and dominate your foes through Galactic Supremacy, invading and controlling the other players’ Home Systems? Or will the natural preeminence of Romulus guide you to victory through Cultural Ascendancy, dedicating your society to Romulan principles? Romulans are cautious and calculating, often shunning the greater Galaxy in favor of their own culture. These attitudes influence the Romulan player’s game in the form of two Special Rules displayed on the player’s Control Console. ...

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